Exchanges & Returns

Received incorrect or defective items?

If you have received the wrong items or if the items received are defective, please contact to discuss this further.

Not satisfied with the goods received?

If you are not satisfied with the goods received, you can return them to us within 14 days of receipt, provided they are in their original and saleable condition.


Upon receipt of your return, you are entitled to a full refund, excluding return shipping costs. We cannot refund or exchange items that appear to have been used, opened, or are not in their original condition.

Request a return

  1. Download and complete the return form : If you have not already done so, you can request the return form using the form below.
  2. Send your return form and a photo of the returned products to .
  3. Package your return properly : Please ensure your return is packaged properly and meets all of the conditions below once approved.
  4. Please mark 'Return' clearly on the outside of your package .
  5. Use an insured and trackable shipping service : Ensure your package arrives safely to us.
  6. Track your shipment : Send an email with your tracking information to .

Returns Policy and Guidelines

  • All returned items must be unused, unopened and in the original plastic packaging. Beauty products, cosmetics and lingerie cannot be returned due to hygiene and health protection.
  • We are not responsible for return shipping costs to our warehouse in China.
  • Please ensure that all returned items are properly packaged to prevent damage during shipping.
  • Please ensure all returns are sent using a trackable and insured service as we cannot be held responsible for items damaged or lost during return shipping.
  • Please ensure the returns form is approved - without approval your return may not be processed.

Easy returns in three simple steps

  1. Request the return form via the contact form. State your order number, email address and reason for return.
  2. Return your order . Send the items together with the completed return form to the address on the return form. Make sure the package has a Track and Trace code. As the sender, you are responsible, and we want to avoid misunderstandings.
  3. Receive the purchase amount on your bank account . As soon as we have received the package, we will ensure that the purchase amount is on your bank account within five working days.

Contact Us

Do you have questions about your return? Do you want to share something? We are happy to help you! You can reach us via the following channels:

For questions or comments, please send an email to .